Root Canal Failure Tooth #13

The words “root canal” ignite fear for some, but a root canal does not guarantee that the tooth will be “saved.” According to studies, the long term success of root canal therapy is between 40-60% – I know, I lost my tooth #10 to a failed root canal. No body did anything wrong “s-it happens.” Now lets discuss this failed root canal and how it and the cyst (dark at the tooth root tip) was treated in my Palm Harbor Dentist office was treated yesterday.

The above x-ray was taken yesterday, the new patient’s primary complaint was a broken Upper Left tooth that had hurt for more than 6 years even though a root canal had been done in a different State in 2010. The dark at the root tip is a cyst that had formed over the years in response to an infected tooth. Root canal therapy is one of the last attempts to save a tooth. At this time, the patient has one of three choices: 1) Ignore the problem – not a good idea 2) Have the root canal retreated or 3) Extract the tooth. The patient opted to have tooth #13 removed. Interestingly, he wanted pictures to show his children what can happen.


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Tooth #3